gas coolant câu
coolant gas
To prevent the ball from overheating, a coolant gas is piped into the ball just before it is attached to the pole.Để ngăn quả bóng bị q...

We're trying to restore coolant by pumping in sea water.Chúng tôi đã rút được một lượng nước biển lớn. There must have been a coolant ...

coolant flow
More important, it directs the coolant flow to the cutting teeth.Quan trọng hơn, nó chỉ dẫn hướng nước làm mát cho chảy vào các răng củ...

coolant level
He says it’s important to check the coolant level.Tìm theo từ khóa: "tầm quan trọng kiểm định hệ thống lạnh" The coolant level should ...

coolant line
It's also unknown if there is a connection to a recent problem with the F-35A's coolant line insulation that caused the flight operatio...

coolant pump
The first reactor coolant pump to be delivered for an AP1000 plant in the USA has arrived at Georgia Power's Vogtle project.Bơm tuần ho...

coolant reservoir
To use it, unscrew the coolant reservoir cap under the bonnet, after checking the engine is cold.Để sử dụng nó, tháo nắp thùng chứa chấ...

coolant system
Multiple Output High Pressure Coolant SystemsSản phẩm chủ yếu:High-Pressure Coolant Systems Integrated high pressure coolant systemsSản ...

coolant temperature
After the engine coolant temperature has dropped, turn off the engine.Sau khi nhiệt độ nước làm mát hạ xuống, dừng động cơ. When the c...

engine coolant
After the engine coolant temperature has dropped, turn off the engine.Sau khi nhiệt độ nước làm mát hạ xuống, dừng động cơ. Code five ...

fluid coolant
That’s why we have always sought to deliver the most technologically advanced protection in every engine oil, transmission fluid, coola...

liquid coolant
After heating the carbon-composites to a maximum temperature, liquid coolant — similar to the stuff in your car — was pumped through ea...

primary coolant
The primary coolant for the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment was FLiBe; LiF-BeF2 (66-33 mol%).Chất làm mát ban đầu cho Thí nghiệm Lò phản...

secondary coolant
The Ikata Nuclear Power Plant, a pressurized water reactor that cools by secondary coolant exchange with the oceanNhà máy điện hạt nhân...

water coolant
The combination of graphite moderator and water coolant is found in no other power reactors in the world.Sự kết hợp của than chì làm ch...

He just cut a hole in our gas tank!Hắn chỉ vừa cắt một lỗ trên bình xăng của chúng ta. Okay, that's going to give you some serious gas...

acetylene gas
Even at atmospheric pressure, acetylene gas can explode.Tại áp suất cao hơn mức này, khí acetylene sẽ tự nổ. As a result, a large amou...

air gas
Any type of air, gas or liquid in a compressed containerBất kỳ loại khí, khí hoặc chất lỏng trong một thùng. This allows air, gas and ...

ammonia gas
To minimize the loss of nitrogen in the form of ammonia gas, pH should not rise above about 8.5.Để hạn chế sự bay hơi Nitơ dưới dạng NH...

associated gas
Active Mixed Gas: Refinery off-gas, Associated Gas, Coke Oven GasHoạt động hỗn hợp khí: Refinery off-gas, Associated Gas, Coke Oven Gas...

atomic gas
"Cold Atomic Gas in the Small Magellanic Cloud"."Cấu trúc hydrogen trong Magellanic Cloud (thiên hà nhỏ gần cực Nam)". "Cold Atomic Ga...

base gas
Reclassifications from working gas to base gas resulted in decreased working gas stocks of 1 Bcf in the Pacific region and 2 Bcf in the...

blanket gas
Moreover, feather blanket, gas and pillow products are completely safe for users and friendly with environment.Hơn nữa, các sản phẩm ch...

blood gas
Blood gas came back with a pH of 7.28, and decreased HCO-3.Độ pH của máu đã trở lại 7.28 và HCO-3 đã giảm. On the other hand, the HCO3...

blue gas
At ordinary temperatures and pressure, ozone is a pale blue gas.Trong điều kiện nhiệt độ và áp suất tiêu chuẩn, ozon là một chất khí có...